McCourry Massage




McCourry Massage offers custom massage sessions that integrate therapeutic, restorative, and relaxation techniques tailored to your individual wants and needs.

The therapeutic techniques I use assist with injury treatment and rehabilitation. They are designed to help you reduce pain, regain mobility, and increase flexibility and maintain tone. This is done through frequent clinically oriented soft tissue treatment protocols in cooperation with the rest of your healthcare team.

The restorative techniques I use relieve chronic pain and reset inactive tissues. Helping to alleviate long held muscle tension patterns and postures that leave your body in knots, reduce function and create pain. This is accomplished by regular sessions focused on relieving, and releasing deeper muscles and structural muscle groups.

The relaxation techniques I use reduce stress and encourage overall wellness management. Sessions maximizing these techniques are designed as regular maintenance to keep your body moving. They also help your body release trapped tension, sooth a busy mind, and help you to feel fully relaxed and at ease.

Your custom session will be set a tranquil environment, with natural accents, and soothing music. You will be surrounded by a warm and welcoming space, and will have the attention of a sincere and compassionate practitioner, which will allow for you to have a remarkable healing experience.


Matthew McCourry, LMP

LIC# MA60477085
